Of course, since my blog is all about me, and I posted this -
My friend Noreen in the running for trip with NY Times columnist Nick Kristof
encouraging everyone to comment and vote for Noreen on his NY Times column or facebook page.
Noreen is better known as "Tanya" for her political views.
Of all the NY Times op ed writers, Kristof is the one I have most time for; I only disagree with him half the time, as opposed to about 90% for the rest of the pack (of course Frank Rich and Herbert have now left; getting off a sinking ship?).
Here's Kristoff's most recent post, and I have excerpted the part about Noreen -
I’m delighted to announce the winners of my 2011 Win-a-Trip contest. The student winner is Saumya Dave of Atlanta, who has studied writing at Columbia University and medicine at Medical College of Georgia. The winner among those 60 and over is Noreen Connolly, a teacher in Newark, N.J. I’ll travel with them later this year to the developing world, and they’ll blog for NYTimes.com and post videos as we go. Stay tuned.
Noreen I'm so happy for you. What an adventure.
Posted by: Maria | Tuesday, April 05, 2011 at 12:07 PM