Here's his website -
And here's a short piece from Outside magazine
I'm happy when i get up and back from this! A Sugarloaf Mountain Walk
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Obamas health plan reallly slams bostonians.Iim losing my fight with harvard pilgrim still need surgery to reconstruucdt my face.Stage 4 cancer has left me with cronic pain.Muscle contracture and trigeminal neuralgia.Cant begin to name the # of drs. and proceedures that have failed me.however again and again ins. co.refuses to pay for plasticd surgeon calling it cosmetic. An out of network surgeon can reconstruct my face and jaw for only 7000.00$.Again deniedd. They would rather continue to pay referral after referral. This has been going on for 5 years.Well im out of money out of ideas and forever living with this cronic pain.any suggestions mr. President? My scripts are also killing me. Please help me.
Posted by: Lynne Spencer | Saturday, May 21, 2011 at 06:48 PM