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Monday, May 28, 2012


Judith Anderson

This is always a beautiful and fitting tribute to those men and women who have served our country. Their service and sacrifice will hopefully never be forgotten for it is the fragile stuff of our freedoms.

Thanks especially to the band members of CHHS, PVC, CET, Mr. Carrington, Christine Turturro, and to Dot Ferguson and Don Simons. Great to see John Sekelsy in attendance, despite health issues. Truly the greatest generation.

If you live in Croton-on-Hudson and have never attended or brought your children, why? They may well be called on to be the next "greatest generation".

Judith Anderson

Forgot to mention the photo/videographer!
Thanks, Tom. Great job!


All true Judith. I'm always a little disappointed by the attendance but very grateful to all those who do show up. As someone who works closely with our local vets, I know they are always grateful as well.

Ellen Mullin

Thank you for this. May God bless all the brave who have taken up the Cause of Freedom.

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