Periodically I see articles (or they're sent to me by a good friend of mine in the UK) extolling the great glories of the UK NHS (National Health Service). They are frequently from the left wing Guardian (UK) newspaper. Well, last week the Guardian ran this article -
UK cancer survival rates trail 10 years behind other European countries
A revealing article.
So I went to the massive international study this was based on, which you can find here in the British Journal The Lancet -
With two minutes of digging I found the following chart, with data on ten different cancers (but not lymphoma) and survival rates in all the countries.
To keep this post short, here is a comparison from the above chart of the five year survival rate % for the UK and the USA (pre-Obamacare) and three other countires for three different cancers.
In 2000, the World Health Organization (WHO) ranked France and Italy #'s one and two for their healthcare systems.
Breast Prostate Leukemia
USA 89 97 52
UK 81 83 47
France 87 91 59
Italy 86 90 47
Australia 86 89 51
Happily the survival rate for childhood leukemia is 88-89% in all five countries.
The moral of the story: for all the moaning about the X million number of people in the US who don't have health insurance, actual healthCARE is pretty darn good. Maybe we need to be careful about messing with the system.