Finally says something. Of course certain Catholics don't think the remarks were insulting at all. John Podesta - one of the chief insulters - says he is a Catholic.
KRDO NewsChannel 13’s Heather Skold had the chance to speak with Cardinal Timothy Dolan as he spoke at the "Respect Life Dinner."
"WikiLeaks" released another round of emails in which Clinton campaign leaders made fun of the faith.
"Extraordinarily patronizing and insulting to Catholics… If it had been said about the Jewish community, the Islamic community, within 10 minutes there would have been an apology and a complete distancing from those remarks, which hasn't happened yet,” said Cardinal Dolan. “I'm hoping that she's going to distance herself from these remarks by her chief of staff."
Cardinal Dolan stopped short of endorsing a candidate for president, instead saying that he expects people to be "acquainted with the issues."
He trusts people to be guided by their moral convictions.
How is it that Cardinal Dolan sees nothing wrong with inviting a person of the ilk of Hillary Clinton to such a prestigious Catholic event like the Al Smith Diner, when Hillary has spent a large part of her life supporting the murder of millions of babies right up to the very moment of birth, and wishes to expand this horror even more if she gains the presidency?????
Posted by: Sweat | Saturday, October 22, 2016 at 11:38 AM
Excellent question.
Posted by: tom faranda | Saturday, October 22, 2016 at 01:12 PM
The dinner is sponsored by the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation and raises money for needy children in New York. As a custom, the two Presidential candidates meet, and poke fun at themselves, and each other, on the third Thursday in October of an election year. The Cardinal is an invitee. He does not invite anyone to the dinner, which is sponsored by the foundation.
Posted by: RXN | Saturday, October 22, 2016 at 04:48 PM
Dear RXN,
I highly suspect that Dolan, as the Cardinal Archbishop of the very important Diocese of New York, has much more veto power over the Dinner's two primary guests than you are implying. But even assuming that what you say is true; the same serious question can then be posed to the AES Foundation members themselves for the scandal given by inviting such a vicious pro-abort and enemy of the Catholic Faith to that event.
Posted by: Sweat | Sunday, October 23, 2016 at 01:24 AM
a Cardinal can,and in fact, not invite a presidential candidate as did Cardinal O'Connor who disinvited Mr. William Jefferson Clinton.
Posted by: John | Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 08:03 PM