The well-known conservative writer doesn't sugarcoat it.
The two-faced, split-tongued politician who mocked Trump for calling out America’s rigged system came to power decrying the “vast right-wing conspiracy” to deflect from that blue dress her husband stained. She’s a menace to alternate media, to entrepreneurs, to honest, hard-working people, to the rule of law, public safety and national security.
When you tune out the manufactured noise and distractions, when you ignore the media squirrels and engineered scuffles, when you rip up the gender card and contemplate nearly 25 years of the politics of personal destruction and private enrichment — not to mention the standalone disqualifying scandals of Benghazi, Emailgate and the WikiLeaks disclosures — the choice should not be difficult.
You can take a gamble on the imperfect businessman who has never held public office. Or you can go with the guaranteed continuation of Hillary Clinton’s entrenched climate of hate and culture of corruption. Left, right or center, if you are opposed to Clintonian history repeating itself, you’ll take your chances with Trump. I am.
Malkin is 1000% correct. Hillary's 'Climate of Hate' would be exponentially worse than any 'Global Warming' ever could be !
Posted by: Sweat | Saturday, October 29, 2016 at 11:19 AM
Let's hope Hillary has a long and healthy life so she can enjoy her jail time !
Posted by: Sweat | Wednesday, November 02, 2016 at 11:18 AM