Thanks to Hallie for recommending Fahnestock Park instead of Sugarloaf. Our first hike since November when we did a short one up Turkey Hill. This was more than a mini; car door to car door it was 7.54 miles - a bit longer than I had anticipated. It was the Charcoal Burners/Cabot/Perkins/Fahnestock Trail Loop which includes lots of woods, three ponds and some mild up and down.
At Jordan Pond, about a mile and a quarter into the hike - very pretty!
Further on - the water in the background is Clove Creek - it was just before we reached here that Jeanne Marie's outer sole on her shoe came loose...
Continuing along, this is what the majority of the hike was like - walking through stately trees as they wait for their leaves to return!
While on the way a second duct tape job on Jeanne Marie's right shoe - the first one came off - I did a better job on this one.
This little wooden bridge was just past the halfway point of the walk -
And now we've reached the west edge of Clove Creek, which we'd seen from the hill earlier -
Then on toward Beaver Pond - more beautiful tree groves!
And here's Beaver Pond. No sign of beavers in the first picture but then check other cut down trees in the further pictures - classic beaver marks -
A big tree down right in the middle and plenty of other downed trees in the surrounding area -
The compadres. That's the red hat Brigid's niece June sent me several years ago - lent to Jeanne Marie who had forgotten a hat.
This is the big tree brought down by beaver action in the prior picture, from a closer view obviously. It's over a foot in diameter.
From here it was about a mile and a quarter back to the car, and about a half mile from the end, the sole on Jeanne Marie's other shoe came completely off! She just continued on, walking on the midsole.
Here - at the end - Jeanne Marie holding her sole - will be buying some new hiking shoes...
So - great doing another wonderful hike. Next hike, end of May? Perhaps Storm King!