I should say the wildly popular Jordan Peterson who offers the most basic advice on taking responsibility, being honest, treating people fairly, but in an interesting and angular way which is not from a religious point of view.
So for his troubles, he get attacked by truly dishonest know-nothings in newspapers like
and the Guardian UK - Sorry, Jordan Peterson: rage isn’t a great look for a self-help guru
Really despicable stuff - accused of anti-semitism, racism, misogyny - all total BS. Would have been nice if the authors of these screeds had actually read his huge bestseller (which I did read) 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos . After 4 months it's still high up on the amazon sales list - currently #7. Or given the vast # of youtube videos of Peterson, if they'd have given them a serious look. It was my 24 year old, Joe, who put me on to Peterson.
Here's a good article by David French -
And here - in three minutes -he answers one of the charges against him - that he believes in "enforced monogamy" for women -
People need to listen more, react less...then repeat.
Posted by: maria | Wednesday, May 30, 2018 at 01:35 PM
Amen to the last comment!!
Posted by: Ellen Mullin | Friday, July 06, 2018 at 04:29 PM