Cute video below from the UK. We just spent six weeks tracking a mouse invader who loved our kitchen, before trapping him (her?) and releasing at Senasqua.
Now this is an obsessed mouse!
Stephen Mckears, 72, first noticed objects moving in his shed in South Gloucester a month ago and asked his neighbour to help him get to the bottom of the mystery. They filmed a mouse tidying nuts and bolt that had been scattered around the floor of the shed into a plastic tub. The pair filmed the mouse tidying away the metal objects from around midnight to 2.30am - an activity it has been doing every night for around a month.
That is too funny. We had a house wren that kept flying into the garage--when the door was open--and stealing bits of colored ribbon on the worktable. But that was for a nest. This clearly looks like the mouse is indeed tidying up!
Posted by: maria | Monday, March 25, 2019 at 11:31 AM