From NY NBC News - a win for religious freedom. Plaintiffs included Catholic priests and Orthodox Jewish congregants. No help from the go-along-to-get-along Catholic Bishops.
On Monday, the Justice Department issued a statement saying De Blasio in particular had "demonstrated a troubling preference for certain First Amendment rights over others," citing the city's limits on the size of religious gatherings but not on the size of protests.
(It was a purported refusal to sign onto that letter that allegedly lead to the ouster of Manhattan U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman last weekend.)
The plaintiffs in the case included two Catholic priests from upstate New York, who argued that the restrictions on gatherings kept people from Mass and from receiving Communion; and three Orthodox Jewish congregants from Brooklyn, who alleged that they had been prohibited from worshiping.
Sharpe's order says the state can not restrict indoor religious gatherings in any way more strict than the gathering rules for Phase 2 of the state's reopening, which includes offices and retail spaces. It also prohibits any restriction on outdoor gatherings -- though in both cases, celebrants and observants still have to comply with social distancing guidelines.
Good to see the Communists lose for a change in NY. Hey! There may be a God after all !!!
Posted by: the Magnate of Mist | Friday, June 26, 2020 at 02:14 PM
I must say I was stunned, simply stunned, that Catholic bishops especially---acquiesced so quickly. These were not the fire breathing Bronx bishops of my youth. Let's see if the governor and mayor appeal. That is entirely possible.
Posted by: maria | Friday, June 26, 2020 at 04:04 PM
Yes we won a legal victory. But the only problem is that our weak, evil, and stupid bishops have refused to recognize it, and instead have decided to foolishly go along with the anti-Christian orders of Comrades Cuomo and DiBlasio anyway, as if our court victory never even happened!!!
How's that for the height of fecklessness and cowardice?
Posted by: the Captain of Cataracts - Sweat | Wednesday, July 01, 2020 at 01:46 PM