I hate today. Below is a posting I first put up in 2006. Tommy should be 49. The comments on his Legacy Tribute page have now gone to 100+ pages.
I knew seven people killed on 9/11. But I only knew one of them real well.
I knew Tom Knox ("Tommy") because I coached him for five years at the North Jersey Rugby Club. He was a great kid. Funny, quick witted, really sparkling personality. The sort of fellow you enjoy hanging around with; you're glad he's your friend.
He was an intense rugby player and wonderfully coachable guy.
Tom was married to Nancy for less than a year. He was thirty years old. The youngest of six children. He worked at Cantor Fitzgerald. No trace of him has been found. 1,000 people attended his funeral Mass. It is still painful to even write about this.
If you have time, go here Guest Book - Thomas Patrick Knox and read some of the 21 pages of tributes Tommy's friends wrote.