An editorial from last year, on the 47th anniversary of Roe V. Wade. Of course the March for Life this year will be a Virtual March - and it's next Friday the 29th.
When the Supreme Court issued its diktat, the New York Times called it a “historic resolution of a fiercely controversial issue.” It is to the great credit of pro-lifers that they refused to let the issue be resolved in this unjust and authoritarian way — and instead protested, argued, organized, voted, and litigated to set it right.
Republican presidents and senators, including President Trump and Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell, have advanced that work a great deal by putting conservative jurists on the bench, and especially on the Supreme Court. That court is hearing a case this year about abortion regulations in Louisiana. It should uphold those regulations, as the Constitution says not a word to suggest that states lack the authority to enact them. As it upholds them, it should declare that it no longer intends to serve as a review board for state legislation on the subject. It should reverse Roe and its successor cases.
That will not be the end of pro-lifers’ work: far from it. But it will be the end of a sad era in which our government treated vulnerable human beings as unpersons as though it were part of our fundamental law.
Our abortion regime depends on lie after lie: the lie that an unborn child is something other than a living member of the human species; the lie that the Constitution excludes them from the possibility of protection; the lie that abortion is necessary for women to flourish. The March for Life is also a March for Truth, and it is time for the justices finally to speak it.
It is very sad that our society is so ready to accept evil for the sake of convenience. A society that can accept the murder of babies on such a scale is bound to be corrupt and violent. Maybe we can figure out what is the cause of our society’s rottenness if we look at the acceptance of abortion.
Posted by: Valeria Kondratiev | Saturday, January 23, 2021 at 12:17 AM