From BB. I saw some of the actual back and forth. They were really at each other's throat.
During an explosive Senate hearing this week, Senator and trusted medical doctor Rand Paul argued with Anthony Fauci—a dangerous conspiracy theorist who thinks vaccines don't work and that the government is not funding the creation of medical abominations in secret labs.
"You are a LIAR!" said Rand Paul, pointing gravely at Dr. Fauci. "You are a LYING LIAR who LIES!"
Fauci, who was initially taken aback by the accusation, immediately recovered and said: "NO! It is YOU who is the LIAR, you LIAR!" Fauci then bobbed his head back and forth in a very sassy way and snapped his fingers in a zig-zag pattern.
"OOOOooo! Rand Paul got OWNED!" said CNN.
"OOOOooo! Fauci got DESTROYED!" said Fox News.
The C-SPAN segment immediately went viral, leading to more requests for the two men to face off in another confrontation. C-SPAN then announced they would be organizing a pay-per-view rematch, in which the trusted medical doctor and Dr. Fauci would call each other liars in an octagon-shaped cage.
Unfortunately, Fauci backed out at the last minute after C-SPAN instituted a strict "no bioweapons" policy for the face-off.
I watched the whole thing and it was painful. I can only describe Dr. Fauci's overall attitude as haughty, high-falooting-you're-all-too-stupid-to-understand, and well....un-natural.
I've also poured over the deeply redacted Fauci emails obtained pursuant to freedom of information. The fact is that this man lost me some time ago and the content of those emails made it even worse. Throw in his public admission about post-vaccination masking on Good Morning America---and we were done:
Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted that his post-vaccination mask-wearing was meant to serve as a “signal” — rather than a genuine attempt to stem the spread of COVID-19. The admission came just weeks after Fauci scolded Senator Rand Paul for suggesting that his insistence on wearing a mask, despite being at virtually no risk of contracting or spreading COVID, constituted public health “theater.”
During a congressional hearing back in March, Fauci bristled at Paul’s suggestion that his continued insistence that vaccinated Americans must wear masks was just theater. “Let me just state for the record that masks are not theater. Masks are protective” replied a visibly irritated Fauci when asked why he attended the public hearing in a mask after being fully vaccinated.
Now, he admits that Paul’s analysis of the need for masks, as well as of Fauci’s motivations, was correct........This is not the first time Fauci has embraced the “noble lie” as a tool — it’s not even the first time that he’s employed it as it relates to masks. Recall that in...
Posted by: maria | Friday, July 23, 2021 at 06:20 AM