Fanatic. Yes he is nuts but it only takes one success - think 9/11.
Killing one jurist could change the decisions of the court “for decades to come,” authorities said that Roske wrote, adding, “I am shooting for three.”
Roske explained that "all of the major decisions for the past 10 years have been along party lines so if there are more liberal than conservative judges, they will have the power.”
The details represent the newest indication that Simi Valley, Calif., man wasn't focused solely on Kavanaugh, although it does not identify the other justices.
According to the filing, first reported by The Daily Beast, Roske's cellphone history in May and June of this year included searches for “quietest semi auto rifle,” “Reagan assassination attempt,” “most effective place to stab someone,” “assassin skills,” “assassin equipment,” “assassinations,” “supreme court" and “how to be stealthy.”
There is absolutely no debate about it. Roe v. Wade was overturned because Donald Trump got pro-life justices (like Kavanaugh) on the Supreme Court. We need a Trump/DeSantis victory in 2024 to get even more pro-lifers on the court to overturn other past immoral SCOTUS decisions, and punish evildoers.
Posted by: the Mikado of Mist - SWEAT | Friday, July 29, 2022 at 10:00 AM
My best guess is that John Roske was using his extreme hatred of Donald Trump and the Pro-Life members of the SCOTUS as a flimsy reason NOT to read the Bible. This, naturally, left him completely bereft of the Grace necessary for him to resist the urge to violate the 5th Commandment, i.e., THOU SHALT NOT KILL !
Posted by: the Mikado of Mist - SWEAT | Friday, July 29, 2022 at 10:13 AM