Pretty good presentation of his position, which is the standard position (which gets attacked all the time) best laid out by Saint John Paul II's favorite theologian Fr. Hans Urs Von Balthasar in his book Dare We Hope that All Men be Saved. Of course 99% of the critics never read the book. Von Balthasar doesn't say all men are saved; he quotes St. Paul several times that we each have to work out our salvation "in fear and trembling." And he points out that hell has inhabitants - devils. But while the Church has canonized Saints (an infallible declaration) it has never definitively named any specific individual to be in hell (no not Judas, or Hitler, etc). So while in human terms it's difficult to not believe some poeple have chosen hell, we cannot no for sure who might have made that choice.
If you want to read more about this - but not the Von Balthasar book - here is the late Cardinal Dulles (buried at Auriesville, NY) in a First Things essay from 2003. The Population of Hell
And here's Bishop Barron - "Hope v. Expectation" - 12 minutes long.