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Monday, June 26, 2023



Tom, I'm so very sorry to hear of Judy's passing. Rest in peace dear Judy, "well done good and faithful servant."


A truly wonderful person. Lots of good memories over the years. I know this has got to be super hard for you Tom. I have only seen her a few times since her illness and I can feel a hole in my heart but I also feel a peace for her and can almost see her smiling with Jesus and embracing all the unborn she worked so hard to save. RIP Judy…the world is definitely emptier without you but your love lives on.


I am truly sorry to hear this; I used to see her often in the German deli---she was part of what I called the "church crowd"--quite genuine---and sincere in her beliefs. And just very nice.


Judy was a wonderful and amazing woman. She worked so hard for pro-life causes. Cancer takes another amazing soul. I’m very sorry to read this news. I wish she could’ve beat her cancer but she hung on, fighting bravely for so long. She is definitely a Saint in Heaven. God Bless Judy Anderson. I have learned a lot from her.

Peter Marengo

My sincerest sympathies, Tom and Bridget. Just a beautiful person, inside and out. Judy had such an infectious smile and devoted heart. She was a true disciple of Christ and defended His teachings. May she rest in the eternal Peace of Our Lord.


What sad news. Rest in peace Judy.

Angela Outhouse

So, so sorry for your loss, may Angels lead her in and she sleep in heavenly peace.

Regina Montana

Judy was definitely a valiant soldier for Christ and her faith shone through in all she did. We will always remember her wonderful spirit as a friend, mother, grandmother, devoted assistant at Maryknoll and Graymoor and true leader at Holy Name of Mary Parish. We know many treasured friends from church and family are welcoming her home in heaven and she is finally at rest after her long battle with cancer. Rest in peace, dear friend.

Linda Levirne

Judy, my dear and faithful friend, you will always be remembered by so many of us here who are still battling those forces that opposed you and continue to oppose us. Now we have your spiritual guidance and also that of Alan to see us through. Thank you dear, dear friend. Your smile will always be with us as we continue to support the unborn and those whose lives are threatened.

Rosemary Tirone

Judy welcomed me into Alans Pro-Life Family.
Thank you Tom and Brigid for loving her.

Mike and Maria

We didn't know well,but we know she had great impact on the pro-life movement.
Our prayers are with Judy and her family.

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