This excerpt from The Chosen just went up on youtube. Just to give the setting, Jesus is on his way to see (and revive) the daughter of the synagogue official. This is in all three of the synoptic gospels (Mark, Luke and Matthew). There is some artistic license taken in this excerpt as earlier she has met some of the women who are followers of Jesus. And she tells Jesus she had heard about him from the man who was cured at the pool - the man who was crippled for 38 years.
And here is a comment left by a woman in the comment section under the video...
Wow, my mom and I read the Daily Bread devo and this was the story today. We then watched this scene after we did the devotional. It's so amazing that our faith is what leads us to healing! Whether our healing is instant like this, or over time, the premise still remains that Jesus can do anything. He brings healing to the hurt and comfort to the sorrowful. As I struggle to break free of lust and addiction, this passage has been a bedrock for me and God led me to include it in the first book I wrote. So, it hits me incredibly hard each time I read it or see it as I watch this scene. The cloak of Christ holds tremendous power and will bring each of us the healing we need, in His timing! I've reached 40 days of sobriety today, thanks be to God!
Magnificent as is the testimony above is moving.
Posted by: Edmund P. Riely Jr. | Monday, November 13, 2023 at 11:03 AM