One of the oldest and most popular - and easy to make. It can be made with rye whiskey or even rum but bourbon seems to be the most popular. This recipe - substituting demerara syrup for the sugar cube, is fabulous.
Here's the recipe - at Farandaville we tend to not bother with the orange or any garnish,or just do the cherry.
2 oz. (60 ml) Colonel E.H. Taylor Small Batch Bourbon (But we use Jim Beam! and it's fine)
0.25 oz. (7.5 ml) rich Demerara syrup*
4 dashes Angostura bitters
1 small piece of orange
Orange and cocktail cherry for garnish
We use RAFT Demerara syrup - available on Amazon and it's great. But if you want to be a super-purist here's how to make your own -
*RICH DEMERARA SYRUP RECIPE In a small sauce pan, combine 2 parts Demerara sugar and 1 part water. Stir over heat until sugar is completely dissolved. Remove from heat and let cool.
At our end we continue to find ways to simplify. We now do Jim Beam on ice; no syrup, no bitters, no orange, and no cherry. We have talked about the frivolous need for ice or glasses. Just draw the line; very Old Fashioned.
Posted by: MR | Friday, October 11, 2024 at 04:28 PM
No that's not really simplified. You say you are using ice; you should be drinking from the bottle if you want simplicity. Come on, get with the program. You went to a Jesuit University for God's sake!
Posted by: tom faranda | Friday, October 11, 2024 at 07:59 PM