Another delicious drink. It was "invented" before The Paper Plane which I posted several weeks ago and which modeled itself after The Last Word, not as far as ingredients, but as equal parts design. You may wish to cut back slightly on the lime juice.
Note the gin below; Farandaville has used Gordon's in the past but are looking forward to making it with The Botanist.
As per the video, it's shaken not stirred.
3/4 oz. (22.5 ml) The Botanist Islay Dry Gin
3/4 oz. (22.5 ml) Green Chartreuse 3/4 oz. (hard to find but they frequently have it at Van Wyck in Croton.)
(22.5 ml) Luxardo Maraschino Liqueur 3/4 oz.
(22.5 ml) Fresh lime juice(I'm not up to squeezing limes but I'm sure that improves the drink over the bottled lime juice I get at Shoprite!)
Cocktail cherry for garnish