This is from the Wall Street Journal. I've excerpted a key paragraph. The two part series starts this week. Farandaville will be taping it.
But it is ambitious, musically, visually and intellectually. Directed by Mr. Burns, daughter Sarah Burns and David McMahon, “Leonardo da Vinci” is always a feast for the eyes and often enough for the mind, the first non-American subject to be part of the Burns oeuvre and a stylistic departure from previous projects. Yes, there is the close visual inspection of stationary pieces, including the mirror-written notebooks (as Leonardo was left-handed and didn’t want to smear the ink), the anatomical drawings, machine schematics and the major paintings, from the disintegrating “Last Supper” to the “Mona Lisa.” But there are also wild visual departures into imagery meant to convey the originality of the subject’s thinking.