Thanks to Nancy (Gambino Girl) for sending me this. Of course certain pompous, pontificating martini snobs would say that an Espresso martini is not a real martini. But who cares - espresso martinis are really good!
This is really fun long article with a variety of recipes, links & some video.
You can tailor your espresso martini to your preferences. You’ll find clues in how you order your morning coffee. Do you like it black or sweetened? Do you prefer espresso or cold brew? When it comes to cocktails, do you enjoy vodka, gin or tequila? My trick to making the best homemade espresso martini is using cold brew coffee! Read on to learn why.
Here's a basic recipe that works in Farandaville -
2 oz. vodka
1 oz. cold brew concentrate (available in most grocery stores, like Shoprite)
1 oz coffee liqueur - for example Kahlua or Mr Black if you like it less sweet.
It's a shaken not stirred recipe - or you can pour into a old fashioned glass over ice, and stir like crazy!
For a sweeter, more coffeeish drink just cut back on the vodka.